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February 8, 2010

Lifebridge Neighborhood Advisory Committee
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
February 8, 2010        6:00PM

Members Present:        Miguel Alvarez
                        Jeff Cox
                        John Femino
                        Robert Femino
                        Julie Pottier-Brown
                        Mark Cote
                        Seth Doolin
                        Officer Robert Phelan
                        Jason Silva
Members Absent: Councillor Pelletier was excused due to illness
                        Councillor Pinto was excused due to being held up at work

1)      Introduction and Welcome to New Members
•       Miguel Alvarez was welcomed as an alternate member of the committee.  Miguel is a neighbor and expressed his interest in attending and serving on the committee.  

2)      Follow-up discussion on long-term planning and goals of Lifebridge
•       Mark Cote reported that there is currently no long term plan for the shelter except current project/conversion of former St. Mary’s Church which is in front of DHCD for funding.  Mark said the long term goal is to end homelessness.  Mark mentioned that there is a meeting tomorrow 2/9/10 to address a specific plan to end homelessness in Salem.  Initial meeting will include Mark, Andrew Oliver, Attorney George Atkins, Councillors Joan Lovely, Steven Pinto and Jean Pelletier, Jason Silva and Jessica Herbert.  The outcome of meeting is to form a committee to include residents and community leaders to create a plan to end homelessness.   Mark mentioned that DHCD did not fund the former St. Mary’s project this round and that leaves 2 options to re-apply, in February or September.  He mentioned that February is too soon and that the Lifebridge Board of Directors (BOD) is looking to re-apply in September.  Mark also stated that the BOD is thinking of placing the former St. Mary’s building on the market for sale price TBD by a commercial appraiser.  Any proposals or offers to purchase must be in by August 1, 2010.  Mark stated that a meeting took place today with Rep Keenan/Mark Cote/Andrew Oliver/George Atkins/Jason Silva to discuss placing the property on the market and hopefully this current proposal will be presented to the BOD at its February meeting to determine same.  Mark said that Jessica Herbert has presented a plan to build over Youth Center. She will be formally presenting the plan to the BOD at its February 24th meeting.  If the plan is adopted, it still does not address the church building.  Mark said that tomorrow’s meeting will be attended by Lifebridge reps and elected officials to determine how to proceed and who should be invited in the future and which plan to be followed.  Citizen and business involvement is critical.
•       Jeff Cox stressed community involvement including neighbors and members from Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Committee (NIAC).  Jeff further said Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association (GESNA) meeting suggested/requested a solar power trash compactor for the neighborhood to reduce trash and to keep the area tidy.
•       Mark Cote said his clients sweep in front of shelter daily.   He suggested Steve’s Market place a barrel in front of its business since a lot of trash comes from lottery tickets.  
•       Jason Silva said a city barrel was there and we will work on getting trash can there.
•       Jeff Cox suggested a traffic survey in the area particularly from Endicott to Summer Street, High Street, and Margin Street.  He said there is a need for statistical information to support traffic calming methods.  Jeff asked if Lifebridge is interested because it’s a neighbor.  
•       Mark Cote stated he didn’t see the connection/application.
•       Julie Pottier-Brown said since there is a retail operation there (thrift shop) that Lifebridge should be interested.
•       Mark Cote said thrift shop moving soon since furnace split today so it wouldn’t necessarily be interested.  

3)      North Shore Community Mediation suggested involvement with neighborhood and Lifebridge
•       Jeff Cox suggested mediation to improve connections/relationships between neighbors and Lifebridge community.  Salem State College and North Shore Mediation can help to build communication.   Jeff said that there is not a lot of trust between the two entities and mediation may help.  Jeff asked if the committee wants to pursue this and bring people to the next meeting.  Jeff on behalf of the neighborhood thinks it could be beneficial.  He was not sure what the process would be or what the fees would be.
•       Jason Silva questioned the city’s involvement in a mediation process and that perhaps it should be between the neighbors and Lifebridge.
•       Jeff suggested some neighbors feel betrayed by the mission and that some folks are moving on but some are not.
•       Mark responded that he doesn’t think we should go back months or years to “cleanse” those who are still upset about the closing of the church.
•       Robert Femino said the reason why we are here is to bridge the gap between the mission and the neighborhood.
•       Julie said there is still some unrest/mistrust with some neighbors since the archdiocese closed the church.  She suggested that perhaps Lifebridge could have a spiritual” place on its campus.
•       Mark questioned using tax payer dollars in this venue.
•       Julie said it would not be a church so there should be no conflict.
•       Robert Femino suggested that if communication breaks down we should pursue mediation.  
•       Jeff said GESNA does talk about other issues like traffic, cleanliness, etc. and not just the mission.
•       Seth Doolin said the community is still healing from loss.
•       John Femino said there is a sense of mistrust in the neighborhood.
•       Mark said the plan is to build housing and close the shelter.   Mark said Phil Mangano, the guru of the federal homelessness plan, could help.  Mark said we need to understand what is best for the community.  Mark said past mission administrations made promises that they couldn’t make.  Mark said he plans to meet with Tom Dalton of the Salem News to discuss the sale of the church which will also include re-applying for financing in the fall if no acceptable offers are received to purchase the church building.
•       John Femino asked if re-application for funding is only for church or for building above youth center.
•       Mark said no proposals for the church have come forward by the Salem Arts group or others.  Mark said that by putting the church building on the market it may determine what will happen to the building.
•       Miguel Alvarez said that with the church being on the market it may re-activate the interest in the church by the Salem Arts group or others.
•       John Femino said Salem Arts wanted to purchase the building to preserve it.  
•       Mark said the mission owns the asset and no ability to preserve it.  Mark said DHCD said no to this round of funding and now maybe someone will step up.
•       John Femino said he walked by the mission tonight and felt uneasy when he saw three men standing against the church in the dark.
•       Mark said they shouldn’t be there.  
•       Officer Phelan said he saw them too.  
•       Mark said he can close the gate so the only way anyone can get in the courtyard is through the building.
•       Officer Phelan said the Salem Police Department stops in every night to check in.  
•       Mark said there are clip boards in every building on 3rd/4th floor so that staff has to walk the property to inspect.
•       Miguel said the park is much better and more vacant.  
•       Mark said Winter Protocol numbers are down because the mission is stricter on its rules and the SPD knows what is going on there all the time.  He said the eight staff members are a tight group and know what they are doing.  
•       Officer Phelan gets a list every Monday morning for warrants and makes arrests accordingly.
•       John Femino said the fence in the park needs strengthening.  
•       Miguel Alvarez said the new fence isn’t tall enough and now there is a need for a net behind the basket ball court.  
•       John suggested that perhaps privacy screening can be placed on the fence if/when it is fixed.  
•       Jason Silva said he recalls the talk of privacy screening and that perhaps the SPD suggested not placing it there because of visibility.  If screening is recommended it may need police involvement to see if it’s a good idea now.  
•       Mark said the plan for behind the mission building is someday to be grass and flowers.   
•       Jeff Cox had made a suggestion at the last meeting that a Lifebridge resident should be on this committee.  
•       Mark said he is still considering this proposal and that he wants the right person.  
•       Jeff suggested asking a tenant in the permanent housing to attend these meetings.  
•       Mark will talk to his clinician to see who might be the right fit.

4)      Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
•       Councilor Lovely reported that Councillor Pinto will get previous minutes done and distributed to the committee.  
•       Councillor Lovely will transcribe December minutes and distribute to the committee.
•       Councillor Lovely will transcribe future meeting minutes and email to the committee.
•       Jason Silva said once the mayor’s office staff person is filled that person will provide administrative support.

5)      Next meeting – Monday, March 8, 2010

6)      Adjournment
•       Jeff Cox called for adjournment.  The committee adjourned at approximately 7:30PM.